Friday, November 9, 2018

New Units and New Gym

We started new units of study this week and we spent the week in the new gym facility.

Grade 4:
We started our new study in our unit of invasion games. Our next sport is handball. The students spent time practicing their catching and throwing skills and practiced catching while on the run.

Grade 5: 
The grade 5's started their next sport for invasion games which is handball. We practiced throwing ad catching skills and learned the rules of the sport before ending the week with a game of bucket ball.

Grade 6:
We started our new sport in invasion games this week which is basketball. The students worked on their dribbling skills, trying to maintain control of the ball while moving and their passing skills. The students learned the three main types of passes and played passing games.

Grade 7:
The grade 7's started their new unit of Aesthetic Movement. We will be playing low organizational games and sports that require repeated movements. Our first sport is basketball. The students have been practicing their passing, dribbling and shooting skills. We have also been working on moving with and without the ball and passing ahead of a player to let them run into it. We will continue working on these skills in game situations next week.

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