Friday, September 27, 2019

Cooperative Games Summative

The students have been working on their summative tasks to wrap up our cooperative games unit.

The grade 4's are creating a cooperative task to try and challenge their classmates. They can use any materials and equipment but must include clear instructions for the task. Their task must also include teamwork and communication in some aspect.

The grade 5's are modifying a game or combining two games to create a brand new game They must also include all instructions, equipment and rules as well as explain how communication and cooperation are needed. The grade 5's are working hard on their ability to reflect on their games in order to improve them or make them run more smoothly.

The grade 6's are inventing wholly unique games that include a diagram of the playing area, a game description with instructions and rules. Penalties for not following rules and how their game is cooperative. These games must also include teamwork and communication, but should also in some way show sportsmanship, integrity and understanding of what cooperative games aim to achieve.

Once the students have completed their planning, we will be playing each of the groups games or tasks with the students being in charge of explaining and running the task or game.

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